From Relationship to Riding

Are you searching for the missing link in your horse training?
The answer has been in front of you all along.
It’s YOU.

With countless “how to” training methods available, many people don’t realise that the answers lie within. As we become adults our confidence, creativity, and intuition can get trained out of us. This leads to being too analytical and “stuck” in a task driven mindset. The conversation with horses gets lost which leads to tension and even “behavior issues.”

Equine Core Connection (ECC) is about developing healthy happy horses that are understood. You’ll learn to educate your horse gymnastically in a fun way while creating connection that goes beyond expectations. 

Its practical, yet personalised structure empowers you to reach your goals in a way that makes sense to your horse. ECC will strengthen any equestrian pursuit, but is very much a practice in itself. 

We start with understanding and recognising the true nature and potential of horse and human where body language creates a stronger connection and goes past the physical element and taps into your inner wisdom. This is in preparation for the Movement Education where we first look how we can expand your horses movement in their environment and through touch. From here we can refine movement through gymnastic exercises influenced by the “Academic Art of Riding” as you unite relationship with riding.

Lets not forget about YOU, a big part of this work involves improving your own Body Awareness both in the saddle and on the ground. If we want your horse to be there for you, you need to be there for your horse.

In-person instructor led education is important to the program’s success and is scheduled accordingly, through workshops, clinics or private lessons. You can also receive one-on-one on-line coaching.

Yes, there is homework.

This program requires a high level of commitment because training new habits takes time. You will be challenged, but the rewards will be HUGE!

If this sounds like something for you, CONTACT US and we can discuss the possibilities that will work for you and your horse.


Core Essentials

The Fundamentals of good training starts with understanding and recognising the true nature of horse and human. Who is your horse; and how does your horse see you?

Through observations of your horse’s needs and characteristics you’ll create a place to “meet” your horse and strengthen your relationship.

You’ll explore the physical and mental balance of the horse as we build an engaged connection needed to progress to technical work.

The following topics and exercises covered in Core Essentials provides the building blocks for future lessons.

  • Communication and Relationship
  • Reading the horse
  • Basic Groundwork Techniques
  • Expanding movement to create agility

Your Body Energy  in Motion

Given the overwhelming stimulations of social media, caffeine, and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to become disconnected from our feeling and sensing. You are more than just your mind; and more than just your body. This means mental shifts can happen through training the physical body beyond cognitive thinking.

There’s no need to over analyze the “how” or “why” you are a certain way in order to shift patterns. As you open up and listen during these subtle practices, you’ll focus on sensations in movement and breath to come into harmony. You’ll expand learned techniques as you follow your intuition and learn to move with meaning.

Experience the endless benefits of your body as an instrument of conscious awareness.

  • Body Awareness and Mindfulness: Gain focus, rediscover your creativity, move with ease.
  • Breath to Movement: Syncing breath with movement to create flow
  • The riders seat off the horse

Riding From the Ground

Horses are not designed by nature to carry a rider mainly due to the fact that they carry more weight on their forehand than on their hindquarters. Therefore, it’s important to help them to be strong, supple, and balanced before asking them to carry us. 

This module evolves into the more technical aspects of groundwork, lunging, and work in hand to prepare the horse without the interference of a rider. 

Riding from the ground is the bridge between groundwork and riding. Here you’ll apply the same aids as if riding.

  • Introduction to Tools and Aids
  • Gymnastic Work – Lateral and horizontal development
  • Body Language and Posture – Blending the physical and mental aids

Rider Fusion

The Transformation to Riding.

This is where relationship, communication, and body-mind awareness comes together with the new addition of the seat.

The goal is to develop balanced posture as you sit on the horse for optimal function for safety and ease.

Learn to listen to the body’s intelligence to make informed decisions on when to apply the “right” aids at the “right” time. Experience ways to:


  • Find Your Neutral Seat
  • Observe and Following
  • Release Tension
  • Understand When to Influence
  • Apply the Aids
  • Shape the Horse

    “Only a thinking rider can teach a sentient seat and the rider must understand what he feels.”

    Bent Branderup