2 Day clinics with Jossy Reynvoet in Australia.

Jossy came to Australia in November 2019 for several clinics in Queensland that I hosted. It was a great success and we hope when international travel is back open again that he is coming back.

Jossy is a licenced Bent Branderup instructor and has developed his own Bitless Art of Riding stucture that is based on the Academic Art of Riding. Even though Jossy has devoted himself to riding bitless it does not mean he will not teach anyone that wants to ride with bit.

I have studied with Jossy since 2014, through on-line courses, yearly visits to Belgium as a week student and regular live Skype lessons througout the year. I am now a Licenced Bitless Art of Riding Instructor and my studies with Jossy are on going.

Jossy uses very clear and logical steps with body language in the communication with the horse. It all translates easily from the ground into the riding. Every move you make has a meaning and makes sense to the horse, which results in a harmonious way of working with your horse.

Jossy lives in Belgium and has his own farm/school (de Bornehoeve) where he gives individual lesson and holds clinics. He also travels regularly throughout Europe and now the world, to give clinics.

The groundwork has to become a dance full of clarity, peacefulness, presence and a fluent communication with the world of the horse related to the riding.”


Jossy Reynvoet

Some words from Jossy.

Awareness, knowledge of body language and bitless riding will lead you to the Bitless Art of Riding.

Many behavioural and health problems are due to the fact that riding horses are born asymmetrically (more bent towards the left or the right). In addition, the point of gravity of the horse is naturally more towards the front legs. Bitless art of riding teaches us using straightness training (lateral flexion) and gymnastic exercises (the side movements) to bend the horse as easily to the left as to the right. The horse is taught in a slow process to move his point of weight towards his hindquarters. The result of this is that he becomes stronger so that he can better carry a rider. The education of a horse (starting from birth) takes on average 12 years. Bitless art of riding is not a discipline in itself. It supports horses in whichever discipline to find a healthy balance between body and mind.

Performing higher-level classical dressage exercises on a bitless, academic and harmonic way is the goal of the Bitless Art of Riding.

For my personal education in the Academic Art of Riding, I go to Bent Branderup in Denmark.

The BAR structure is developed to become aware of movement and intention, your parallel line and knowledge of body language. You ride bitless in the moment.

You will learn to train your horse in a physical as well as in a mental way. This makes sure that a horse develops emotional balance. 

Visit Jossy’s website for more information on Jossy and his BAR structure. www.jossy-reynvoet.com

Since 1993 I’ve started to look for answers to questions that arise during my mission to collect horses on a loose rein (read: bitless).”

Jossy Reynvoet